Contemporary artworks

Immortalizing Memories

Paul Tangian


Immortalizing the physiognomy of a landscape has always been the strongest suit for self-taught, Sydney-based artist Paul Tangian. His meticulous depiction of reality and a modicum of reverie coalesces into an idyllic experience, even for a fastidious spectator. Having diverse influences—from Japanese art to Impressionism—and a wide array of techniques at his disposal, he can easily transcend to another style while keeping his equipment simple and his palette to a minimum. The journey of his compositions begins with an impression, embellishing diagonals and curves to create motion, and adjusting the harmony between value and tone to his satisfaction.

About the artworks

At the moment all artworks are sold exclusively at Stella’s Gallery. If you want to know more about the artwork and frame pricing, please reach out to them using their contact details below or feel free to drop by the gallery if you are around the area to check it out yourself. 

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